Break My Body, Hold My Bones
March 27–April 17, 2011 / Bard Hessel Museum of Art / Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
Questions of queer embodiment in a “post-AIDS” culture are posed in a multimedia installation by the Baltimore-based collaboration DUOX (Malcolm Lomax and Daniel Wickerham). What are the forms, affects, capacities, and connections of the queer body? How does it respond to the legacy of AIDS – no longer experienced as an overt crisis in the gay community, but no less constitutive of its practices? How does queerness inhabit the landscape of online avatars, social networking, viral video, and multiple forms of digital being? Merging digital and analog technologies through a practice informed by performance and appropriation, DUOX presents an environment that reflects on and embodies an emergent sensibility: the becoming-viral of the digital queer.
— Nathan Lee, curator
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